So what is Direct Mail?

By Brad Chrysler

For years, the answer to that was easy: direct mail was good old, USPS delivered letters and postcards. These days, there isn't a single "one-size-fits-all" answer as to what exactly constitutes it. Truth be told, the definition of direct mail seems to change every day.
Now that it's no longer limited to the USPS, direct mail today can also be email, a text message, an instant message, a Facebook post, or any of a number of different kinds of social media communiques, from chat room interaction to a wiki entry.

The type of delivery for direct mail is vital, to be sure. (And we'll dive into the advantages and disadvantages of direct mail media below.) But even more crucial is telling the difference between direct mail and display advertising. Ads plastered on a website or in a printed newspaper are not aimed at any one in particular; they are like billboards, waving frantically to people as they pass by. On the other hand, direct mail concentrates on talking to people directly, dealing with them as individuals, and digging in as specifically as possible.

Ideally, a comprehensive marketing approach that includes both traditional and new media direct mail is your best option. Here's a short primer that may offer insight on where to focus your efforts:

USPS Direct Mail Advantages

* Less annoying: Customers may denigrate 'junk mail,' (at least when it comes at unwelcome times) but they hate email spam more;

* More involvement: Printed mail is tactile, attractive and can even smell good! All of which serves to command attention;

* More accurate lists: Because direct mail is the older medium, they tend to be more accurate. Not so with email lists that are compiled online.


*Price: After design, printing, postage and list costs, you could be digging pretty deep in your wallet when compared to email.

* Response rate: The typical response rate for direct mail is 1 to 2 percent. It's not unheard of today to beat that response through targeted email;

* Not earth friendly: DM produces a waste stream which is not recycled, in many cases.


*Cheap: Even if response rates are small, you're talking less loss than an investment in a printed DM campaign;

*Fast: Not only can customers get messages as fast as you can crank them out, responses can also start flooding in right away;

*Changeable: You can tweak headlines, alter offers, even transform the whole piece in seconds, and send out the next blast in minutes, as opposed to days;


* Will your email even hit the inbox? With spam-blocker software use growing, it's problematic. People are loathe to click on email, even from companies with whom they're familiar.

* Lists: Accurate email lists are difficult to source, and you can never be sure about them before you use them. But this is an issue with print mail, as well. So partner with a reputable list provider.

*Be careful: The CAN-SPAM law is of the highest importance. The general rule is you can't email to any recipient who hasn't given their thumbs-up to it, even if that approval was to a third party.

What's the bottom-line? Do your research, then choose either traditional or email media (or both), depending on your needs.

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