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Affichage des articles dont le libellé est Mobile. Afficher tous les articles

Is Mobile Marketing The Right Choice For Your Business?

By Daniel Will

You may have heard about mobile marketing. There are many ways to promote one's business using mobile devices. With so many different options and possibilities, it can be difficult to choose a starting point. Try beginning with the tips below.If you plan to create an app for your company, you must create one that gives your customers something that serves them convenience and answers to their problems. Useless or difficult to navigate apps are unlikely to become popular among mobile users in your target market.
Many business owners don't realize how easy it is to create apps. Making your own customized app for your customers is a breeze. You could offer apps specific to your business to better promote your company via mobile marketing. Your application could offer a number of features.

The Top Trends That You Need To Be Watching In Mobile/location Based Marketing

By Ibrahim Smith

It's 2014 and the use of mobile devices to surf the internet is simply exploding. Long gone are the days where the majority of internet users surfed from the comfort of their home PC or laptop. The advent of mobile devices such as smart phones and tablets has made it extremely easy for people to always be online. As a result, the online business industry continues to grow at an alarming rate. Marketers need to pay attention to trends and in this article we will be looking at a few trends within the mobile marketing space.

Facebook Makes Ads Manager Available On Mobile Devices

By Ayub Farooq

For all of your advertisers on the go, you'll be pleased to hear that Facebook has just rolled out an ads manager for mobile devices. This is going to change a lot in the industry. At first you might not think much of it, but just imagine: now you don't have to be sitting down at your computer in order to manage your Facebook ads. Suddenly you can now be waiting in the doctor's office or standing in line at the bank. For those of you always on the go, this is quite the update.
Of course, this doesn't change everything else going on with Facebook ads. There is still a lot of debate about whether or not Facebook ads even still work in this day and age. So many changes have happened internally that some argue that it's not even worth using ads on Facebook.